2019 Spring Newsletter: Kansas City

In Newsletters, Newsletters: Kansas City Office by Scott Dougan


Here we are ushering in another spring, a new season ripe with opportunities. For whatever reason, this is the time of year when I look ahead and do my clearest thinking. It’s in these moments when I ask myself, “What lies ahead for me and for us?” And it’s a question that I hope you’re asking for yourself.

We have the privilege of working with quite a few aspiring retirees; those people who can begin to see the financial finish line and wonder what next steps look like. Thoughts of exciting travel destinations, golf outings with friends, and time spent with grandchildren provide the fuel to make that last big push to secure a nest egg that will make it all possible. And with recent events in the political and economic arenas, a lot of the families we serve as asking themselves if plans need to be adjusted due to mounting uncertainty.

I share all of this to suggest that we work together to ensure that your dream retirement that’s so well deserved provides all of the opportunity that you desire. In other words, we want to build your plans to protect you from an economic winter season that will come again and even the searing heat of a long summer. For retirees, this can look like dramatic swings in the market, economic recession, and continued political unease. Your plans should account for these and allow you to persevere regardless of the season you may be in.

In this edition of the Elevated Insider we’re sharing a couple of valuable concepts with you, designed to give you the confidence of knowing that your retirement will not be jeopardized as a result of these seasonal events. In Back To The Basics, we look closer at a retirement income strategy that may appear new but has been around through many economic seasons. And in the Briefcase Study, we highlight the power that comes from seeing debt clearly and in proper context. These concepts are great reminders of the steps you can take to bolster your financial assets to weather all sorts of storms.

As I said in the last edition – and will say again – we very much appreciate the trust you’ve placed in us to serve as your retirement planning team. We love to serve you and will look forward to doing so for many years to come. Enjoy the warmth of spring while knowing you’ve done your very best to prepare for the next winter.