Team Spotlight: Scott Dougan

In Articles, Articles: Kansas City Office, Team Spotlights, Winter 2021 by Scott Dougan

Many of you already know Scott, but you may not know these fun facts:

  1. Scott was born in 1973 in Topeka, Kansas.
  2. He is the oldest of three siblings.
  3. Scott met his wife, Jennifer, in Las Vegas, NV at a mutual friend’s birthday party.
  4. He loves to cook and almost went to culinary school before starting his career as a Financial Advisor in 2001.
  5. There were 27 students in his high school graduating class.
  6. Scott  has never been afraid of hard work. Here are some of his first jobs:
    – Marv’s Furniture & Carpet Store
    – Feltner Funeral Home
    – Kansas Turnpike Roadcrew
    – He had his own car wash &  
       lawn business
    – Roofing houses & construction
       (he’s pretty handy around the house)
  7. Favorite travel destinations are:
    – Banff, Alberta Canada
    – Rotorua, New Zealand
    – Crete, Greece 
  8. Biggest Pet Peeve … people who don’t return their shopping carts.
  9. In his 20s, he went 3 years without watching television.
  10. Scott and his brother, Adam, entered a few bar-b-que competitions, and won first prize for…
  11. Best Pork Butt and Best Brisket
  12. Scott’s only regret is … that he didn’t accept his scholarship to play college football.

More fun facts about your team coming soon!